If you’d have asked me a few years ago, I had the hugest aspiration of being a writer. The way I would talk about my past, with so many emotions and hurt attached to it, a lot of people commented that I could make a book out of it.
Somehow, the more I heal, the more disconnected I feel from my past and writing a book about it seems even more distant. Every time I have attempted to write again about my past, I feel I don't attach to those emotions any longer and thus will not be able to do justice to the Masuma who once lived that reality.
My healing comes with learning and awareness, which allows me to disconnect from those feelings even more. I don't identify strongly with those emotions anymore and, to some extent, even forget where my reality comes from. Sometimes, I have to be reminded—it needs to be to avoid self-sabotaging.
I wonder if I will ever write about my past in book form today, but that has been a dream for many years. Maybe someday, maybe not.
I wrote the above part a few days ago. The day before yesterday, a friend asked me once more, “When are you writing your book? You must.” It was so nice to hear that question once more, and interestingly, just after writing this, I thought it was apt to share it today.
She mentioned how my blog shows anger, frustration and a need to educate and change through my own worldview. I love this because I really thought my anger had dispersed. I no longer was so affected by it. But I love that it still is there without affecting me. This inspires me once more and maybe I will still look at doing that book someda
y. For now, it’s the blogging that I am enjoying and I hope you are too!
Also, I would love to know what you all think my blogging shows.
P.S. we complete one year of blogging!!! So proud of me!!